International conferences, events, workshops and fairs
To date, I have presented, discussed, and taught food processing in several international conferences, events, workshops and fairs to specialized audiences, leading academics, university students and notable business executives.
If you would like me to speak at your conference or event, feel free to get in touch.
Activity as a speaker and instructor
Date: September 19, 2023
Language: English
Panelist at the Conference “FoodTech and AgTech Sparking Appetite for Disruption” held at Innovit (Italian Innovation & Culture Hub) in San Francisco (CA), with the presentation “Trends in AgTech and FoodTech”.
Date: June 28, 2023
Language: English
Panelist at the Conference “Trends in the Produce Industry” held at the UC Postharvest Technology Center (UC Davis)
Date: October 25, 2022
Language: Italian – English
Speaker at the conference “Processing e packaging tra digitalizzazione e sostenibilità” organized by Cibustec Forum in Parma (IT) with the presentation “Food Processing tra digitalizzazione e sostenibilità”
Date: September 21, 2022
Language: English
Speaker at “Industry panel at Fresh Cut Workshop held at the UC Postharvest Technology Center (UC Davis).
Date: September 20, 2022
Language: English
Instructor at the Workshop “Fresh-Cut Products: Maintaining Quality & Safety” held at the UC Postharvest Technology Center (UC Davis)
Date: May 13, 2021
Language: English – Spanish
Speaker at “Nanotecnología para el control de biofilms en superficies durante el manejo poscosecha de productos frescos”.
Date: November 6, 2020
Language: English
Speaker at “Emerging Technologies in Postharvest Management and Value Addition in Horticultural Commodities” organized by NIFTEM University (India).
Date: June 17, 2020
Language: English
Speaker at “Future of Fresh-Cut” 2020 United Fresh LIVE! virtual edition.
Date: October 18, 2019
Language: English
Partecipant to “Italy-USA Innovation Forum” invited by the President of the Italian Republic, Hon. Sergio Mattarella, San Francisco.
Date: March 8, 2019
Language: English
Partecipant in the round table “The Future of Ag-Food-Tech” organized by CITRIS-UCMerced held in Merced (U.S.A.).
Date: August 30, 2018
Language: English
Speaker at the Silicon Valley Forum “The Seeds of Our Future: Innovating Global AgTech 2018” with the presentation.
Date: October 12, 2018
Language: English
Date: June 14, 2017
Language: English
Speaker at United Fresh Exhibit in Chicago (U.S.A.) with the presentation “New and Future Technologies in Fresh-Cut Processing”.
Date: October 28, 2016
Language: English
Speaker at Cibus Tec held in Parma (Italy) with the presentation “New Trends on Fruit and Vegetables on the US Market”.
Date: September 15, 2016
Language: English
Instructor at the “VIIIth European Short-Course on Quality and Safety Fresh-Cut Produce” organized by Macfrut held in Rimini (Italy) with the presentation “Equipment for Fresh-Cut Processing Lines”.
Date: May 18, 2016
Language: English
Speaker at P.M.A. Tech Knowledge held in Santa Clara (U.S.A.) with the presentation “Why now? Automation and Robotics Opportunities for the Produce and Fresh-Cut Industries”.
Date: September 13, 2015
Language: English
Instructor at the “III International Conference on Fresh‐cut Produce: Maintaining Quality & Safety” organized by UC Davis held in Davis (U.S.A.) with the presentation “Innovations in Fresh-Cut Fruit Processing Line”.
Date: January 29, 2015
Language: Italian
Speaker at Confindustria Venezia (“Industrial Association of Italy”) “Innovare, Proteggere e Valorizzare i titoli della Proprietà Industriale” held in Venezia (Italy) with the presentation “La tutela brevettuale quale supporto all’export: l’esperienza della TurattiSrl” (“Patent protection as a support to export: The Experience of TurattiSrL”).
Date: January 22, 2015
Language: English
Instructor at the “VIIthEuropean Short-Course on Quality and Safey Fresh-Cut Produce” organized by Cardiff Universityheld in Cardiff (Wales) with the presentation “Equipment for Fresh-Cut Processing Lines”.
Date: October 31, 2014
Language: English
Author at E.H.E.D.G. (European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group) World Congress on Hygienic Engineering and Design 2014 at Cibus Tec held in Parma (Italy) with the presentation “Cost reduction due to hygienic design”.
Date: October 30, 2014
Language: English
Speaker at Cibus Tec held in Parma (Italy) with the presentation “New Developments in Fresh-CutEquipment Design”.
Date: June 12, 2014
Language: English
Speaker at United Fresh Exhibit in Chicago (U.S.A.) with the presentation “New Developments in Fresh-Cut Equipment Design”.
Date: December 10, 2013
Language: Italian
Author at the workshop AITA “Ready-to-Eat : Piatti pronti e Vegetali di Quarta Gamma” held in Milan (Italy) with the presentation “Fresh-cut innovations: tecnologie di processo per la frutta e la verdura di quarta gamma”.
Date: October 23, 2013
Language: English
Instructor at the “VIthEuropean Short-Course Fresh-Cut Produce Processing: Nutritional Quality and Health Benefits” organized by Akdeniz University held in Antalya (Turkey) with the presentation “Equipment consideration and selection for fresh-cut produce”.
Date: May 5, 2013
Language: English (Simultaneous translation in multiple languages)
Co-author at the workshop “Entrepreneurship in Europe” held in Kiev (Ukraine) with the presentation “The European Entrepreneurial revolution – Can Entrepreneurship save us from the economic crises?”.
Date: February 8, 2012
Language: English (Simultaneous translation in German)
Instructor at the “Vth European Short-Course on Quality and Safey Fresh-Cut Produce” organized by Fruitlogistica and held in Berlin (Germany) with the presentation “Equipment for Fresh-Cut Processing Lines (Part I – Part II)”.
Date: October 19, 2011
Language: Italian
Partecipant in the round table at the “FreshTecDay – Workshop dedicato al prodotto freschissimo a base vegetale e frutta” held in Parma (Italy) on the session “Le tecnologie offerte dal mercato nel rispetto dei criteri di FoodSafety: produttori a confronto”.
Date: October 6, 2011
Language: Italian
Speaker at Macfrut (Fiera di Cesena) workshop “La tecnologia a supporto della filiera dei prodotti di IV gamma” held in Cesena (Italy) with the presentation “Quarta Gamma tra Innovazione e Sostenibilità”.
Date: March 28, 2011
Language: Italian
Speaker at the workshop Johnson & Diversey seminar on water consumption reduction held in Bagnolo Cremasco (Italy) with the presentation “Innovazioni impiantistiche nelle produzioni di quarta gamma: accorgimenti per migliorare le sanificazioni e risparmiare”.
Date: November 19, 2010
Language: English (Simultaneous translation in Portuguese)
Speaker at workshop “Seminário Hortofrutícola em Portugal: Investigação e Industrialização” held in Foz du Arelho (Portugal) with the presentation “Diagrama y variáveis de processo”.
Date: September 8, 2010
Language: Italian – English
Instructor at the “IVth European Short Course on Quality and Safey Fresh-Cut Produce” held in Mesagne (Italy) with the presentation “Innovative Food Processing Solutions”.
Date: October 7, 2009
Language: Italian – English
Speaker at Macfrut (Fiera di Cesena) workshop “Tendenze e prospettive per l’innovazione tecnologica nella IV gamma” held in Cesena (Italy) with the presentations “La lavorazione delle verdure” and “Per unire l’industria globale dell’ortofrutta” (with Melissa Speed – United Fresh).
Date: September 7, 2009
Language: English – Spanish
Instructor at “European Short Course on Quality & Safety of Fresh-Cut Produce” organized by United Fresh (Washington DC – USA) and Universidad de Almeria in Almeria (Spain) with the presentation “Equipments for Fresh-cut Processing Line”.
Date: August 6, 2009
Language: Italian
Speaker at the “Regione Veneto” workshop in Japan in Osaka (Japan) with the presentation “New processing technologies for fruit and vegetables”.
Date: June 23, 2009
Language: English
Speaker at the Fresh Convenience workshop held in London (U.K.) with the presentation “Innovative Food Processing Solutions”.
Date: April 23, 2009
Language: English
Author at the Air Liquide Food processing conference Kechnec 2009 seminar heldin Košice (Slovakia) with the presentation “Processing of Fruits and Vegetables: Market, Trends and cutting-edge Solutions”.
Date: March 31, 2009
Language: English – Spanish
Instructor at the “Curso Internacional de Tecnología Postcosecha y Procesado Mínimo Hortofrutícola” held in Cartagena (Spain) with the presentation “Equipamiento, Líneas y Instalaciones en el Procesado Mínimo Fresco Hortícola”.
Date: February 9, 2009
Language: English
Speaker at Freshconex (FruitLogistica) held in Berlin (Germay) with the presentation “Better Technology for Fresh-Cut Produce” and participant in the following round table about the future of the produce industry.
Date: February 9, 2009
Language: English
Speaker at Freshconex (FruitLogistica) held in Berlin (Germay) with the presentation “Better Technology for Fresh-Cut Produce” and participant in the following round table about the future of the produce industry.
Date: April 25, 2008
Language: English – Spanish
Instructor at the “Curso Internacional de Tecnología Postcosecha y Procesado Mínimo Hortofrutícola” held in Cartagena (Spain) with the presentation “Equipamiento en el Procesado Minimo Hortofruticola”.
Date: March 10, 2008
Language: English – Spanish
Instructor at the “II European Short Course on Quality and Innovation of the Fresh-Cut Produce” held in Cordoba (Spain) with the presentation “Equipments for fresh-cut processing lines”.
Date: February 23, 2008
Language: Italy
Speaker at Vegetalia (Fiera di Cremona) “I Prodotti della Quarta Gamma: Qualità, Igiene, Innovazione Tecnologica, Mercato” held in Cremona (Italy) with the presentation “Recenti Innovazioni Tecnologiche Internazionali”.
Date: February 8, 2008
Language: English
Speaker at Freshconex (FruitLogistica) held in Berlin (Germay) with the presentation “The future of Fresh-Cutisnow!” and participant in the following round table about the future of the produce industry.
Date: September 28, 2007
Language: Italian
Co-author at the Johnson & Diversey seminar on water consumption reductionheld in Bagnolo Cremasco (Italy) with the presentation “Sistemi per ridurre i consumi di acqua nelle lavorazioni di quarta gamma – L’esperienza di Turatti”.
Date: August 6, 2007
Language: English
Speaker, Author and Instructor at the “International Conference on Quality Management of FreshCut Produce 2007 (QMFCP2007)” organized by ISHS (International Society for Horticultural) held in Bangkok (Thailand) with the presentation “Sanitation Design of Fresh-cut Processing and Plant Processing” then published in the ISHS Acta Horticulturae 746 (DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2007.746.17).
Date: March 12, 2007
Language: English – Italian
Instructor at the “European Short Course on Quality and SafeyFresh-Cut Produce” held in Bari (Italy) with the presentation “Equipments for fresh-cut processing lines”.
Date: November 3, 2006
Language: English
Co-author at “Fresh-Cut Europe 2006” held in London (UK) of the presentation “Fresh-Cut Fruit Trends and Opportunities in the United States”.
Date: May 6, 2006
Language: Italian
Speaker at the workshop “Frutta Facile: Nuove soluzioni per un consumo più agevole della frutta fresca” organized by Università di Bologna – Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie with a presentation “Frutta in Quarta Gamma: un’opportunità da cogliere”.
Date: April 28, 2006
Language: English
Speaker at I.F.P.A. “Fresh-Cut Expo” 2006 in Baltimore (USA) with the presentation “State of the art processing in fruits and vegetables for the fresh-cut industry”.
Date: April 20, 2006
Language: Italian
Speaker at the workshop “Prospettive della Tecnologie e dell’Automazione in Orto-Frutticoltura” organized by C.R.A. – I.V.T.P.A. (Istituto sperimentale per la Valorizzazione Tecnologica dei Prodotti Agricoli) in Milan (Italy) with the presentation “Cernita e Taglio dei Prodotti Agricoli indirizzati alla Quarta Gamma”.
Date: March 24, 2006
Language: Italian
Speaker at “EuroMed Food 2006” in Foggia at the Workshop “I prodotti della quarta gamma: innovazioni e prospettive di sviluppo” in Foggia (Italy) with the presentation “Creazione di una branca europea dell’International Fresh-cut Produce Association: vantaggi e prospettive .
Date: March 14, 2006
Language: Italian
Instructor at the wokshop “I Freschissimi” held in Campagna Lupia (Italy) with the presentation “Macchine per il Lavaggio del Prodotto di Quarta Gamma”.
Date: January 28, 2006
Language: Italian
Speaker at the Exhibit “Vegetalia Il mercato dei prodottidella IV gamma: qualità, igiene, innovazione tecnologica, mercato” held in Cremona (Italy) with the presentation “Soluzioni di processo innovative per il settore della IV gamma”.
Date: February 2, 2006
Language: French
Instructorat the workshop “Produits Végétaux de 4me Gamme: Potentiels d’Innovation” in Avignon (France) organized by I.N.R.A. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) with the Presentation “Problématiques de parage et découpe: solutionsindustrielles”.
Date: January 28, 2006
Language: Italian
Speaker at the Exhibit “Vegetalia Il mercato dei prodotti della IV gamma:qualità, igiene, innovazione tecnologica, mercato” held in Cremona (Italy) with the presentation “Soluzioni di processo innovative per il settore della IV gamma”.
Date: October 19-21, 2005
Language: Spanish
Organizer of “IFPA EU / EuroAgro Meeting” held in Valencia (Spain) coordinating I.F.P.A. (International Fresh-Cut Produce Association) and Ente Feria de Valencia (Euroagro) with the presentation “IVa Gama – El Futuro de un Sector enFuerte Expansion”.
Date: April 9, 2005
Language: French
Speaker at the conference “Les produits élaborés” in Agadir (Marocco) organized by Apefel (Association marocaine des producteurs et producteurs exportateurs de fruits et legumes) with the presentation “Trancher, essorer, couper, râper”.
Date: November 17, 2004
Language: Italian
Instructorat the course of “Veneto Agricoltura – L’Industria di Quarta Gamma” in Legnaro (Italy) with #8 Lessons.
Date: October 4-5, 2004
Language: English
Organizer of the first European meeting of I.F.P.A. (International Fresh-Cut Produce Association) in Venice, Marghera and Torcello (Italy).
Date: December 13, 2003
Language: English
Speaker at the workshop “Improving Quality Management in the Minimally-Processed Fruit and Vegetables Industry of the Euro-Med area” organized by University of Foggia and I.F.P.A. (International Fresh-Cut Produce Association) and held in Mesagne (Italy) with the presentation “Overview of the latest Fresh-Cut Produce Technologies”.
Date: December 6, 2003
Language: Italian
Speaker at the workshop “L’Innovazione di Processo nelle specie Orticole per la IV e V Gamma” organized by AgriCesena (Ortomac) and held in Cesena (Italy) with the presentation “La Tecnologia della IV e V gamma in Francia”.